You would think that SQL would be able to have a easy way where you could pass it a simple string, with some values separated by commas, and it could throw that right into a sql statement like:
FROM Clients
WHERE ClientID IN (1,5,6)
However, this just doesn't work in sql. In fact, there is a very complex solution, which involves creating a function and then passing in you values separated by spaces as a NVARCHAR.
The function looks like this
FUNCTION [dbo].[iter_intlist_to_tbl] (@list nvarchar(MAX))
RETURNS @tbl TABLE (listpos int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
number int NOT NULL) AS
DECLARE @startpos int,
@endpos int,
@textpos int,
@chunklen smallint,
@str nvarchar(4000),
@tmpstr nvarchar(4000),
@leftover nvarchar(4000)
SET @textpos = 1
SET @leftover = ''
WHILE @textpos <= datalength(@list) / 2
SET @chunklen = 4000 - datalength(@leftover) / 2
SET @tmpstr = ltrim(@leftover +
substring(@list, @textpos, @chunklen))
SET @textpos = @textpos + @chunklen
SET @startpos = 0
SET @endpos = charindex(' ' COLLATE Slovenian_BIN2, @tmpstr)
WHILE @endpos > 0
SET @str = substring(@tmpstr, @startpos + 1,
@endpos - @startpos - 1)
IF @str <> ''
INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES(convert(int, @str))
SET @startpos = @endpos
SET @endpos = charindex(' ' COLLATE Slovenian_BIN2,
@tmpstr, @startpos + 1)
SET @leftover = right(@tmpstr, datalength(@tmpstr) / 2 - @startpos)
IF ltrim(rtrim(@leftover)) <> ''
INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES(convert(int, @leftover))
Pretty crazy huh. All this does is pretty much build a table with the unique values you throw into it, so you can join on those values with the column you are trying to get the data from, and pull out the rows where any of the values match any of the rows in that table.
You utilize this function like so:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[Client_Get_All_By_ClientIDs]
@clientIDs NVARCHAR(20)
FROM Client
(SELECT i.number from iter_intlist_to_tbl(@ClientIDs) i)
Then you run it like this
EXEC [dbo].[Client_Get_All_By_ClientIDs] '2 4 7 190'
And there it is. That is the simple way to do a mutiple IN CLAUSE SQL statement. Remember that if you are building your values to input into the stored procedure, to separate them by spaces " ", and NOT commas ",".
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